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The President of the Republic of Uganda - The University Chancellor & Visitor / Promoter KAPATU.

The Vice President of the Republic of Uganda; The Deputy Chancellor/ Promoter KAPATU.

The Special Envoy of the President of the Republic of Uganda for the Great Lakes Region, South Sudan and Ethiopia; The Chief International Fundraiser / University Promoter KAPATU.

Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Kotido in Uganda; The University President KAPATU.

Bishop Emeritus of the Catholic Diocese of Kotido in Uganda. The Patron and Chairman Board of Advisors of the CLASI.

University Chaplain KAPATU. The Vicar General Emeritus of the Catholic Diocese of Kotido in Uganda.

The Co-Vice Chairperson of the University Council KAPATU.

The Minister of State for Ethics and Integrity, Office of the President of the Republic of Uganda; The Co- Vice Chairperson of the University Council KAPATU.

Member of the Strategic Leadership Committee KAPATU.

The President of the Catholic Lawyers Society International; The Chairperson of the University Council KAPATU

Deputy Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs KAPATU.

Chairperson of the Board of Directors for the CLASI / University Secretary KAPATU

Academic Registrar KAPATU.

Director Presidential Education for Peace Scholarship Program for Karamoja (PEPSKA).

Director Legal Affairs KAPATU.

Director Research and Publications KAPATU.

Director Engineering KAPATU.

Director for Information Systems and Technologies KAPATU.

Deputy Director Research and Publications KAPATU.

Deputy Director for Information Systems and Technologies KAPATU.

Deputy Director Communication & Public Relations KAPATU.

Deputy Director Communication & Public Relations KAPATU.

Head of Department, Directorate of Communication & Public Relations KAPATU.

Senior Administrator KAPATU

Dean Faculty of Health Sciences KAPATU.

Deputy Dean Faculty of Health Sciences KAPATU.

Dean Faculty of Agriculture KAPATU.

Deputy Dean Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences KAPATU.

Dean Faculty of Education and Peace Studies KAPATU.

Dean Faculty of Engineering and Technology KAPATU

Head of Department, Faculty of Engineering and Technology KAPATU.

Head of Bio-Chemical and Mechatronics Engineering KAPATU.

Head of Department, Faculty of Engineering and Technology KAPATU.